Mountain Goat Hunts
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Mountain Goat Hunts

Pelly Lake Outfitters offers guided Mountain Goat hunts from the 15 of August to October 15. Our goat hunts require a hunter to be physically prepared as well as mentally. Our 3000 square mile guide area in central British Columbia offers an excellent population of goats, with out having the ruggedness of the coastal range or the amount of rain. Our goat country can be accessed by fly in or drive in.

Our fly in area offers a hunter to hunt these beautiful animals by horseback out of our comfortable spike cabins or for the hunter wanting to rough it we have a great area to backpack hunt them. Our drive in area allows a hunter to cover lots of ground on logging roads and glassing the surrounding mountains. Mature billies average 9″ in length but we have harvested them as large as 11 1/2″! Our guided goat hunts are all one hunter per guide and 9 days in length. Mountain Goat hunts can be combined with moose, black bear and mountain caribou.

Book Your Hunt Today!

Contact DL Elk Outfitters and Pelly Lake Outfitters to book your hunt today!