About Us
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About DL Elk & Pelly Lake Outfitters


DL Elk Outfitters Inc. was established in 1983 because of my love for hunting and the great outdoors.  Here in Montana we hunt primarily Rocky Mountain Elk, Mule and Whitetail Deer and Antelope.  Now we have been in business in Montana continually for going on 40 years.  Like all successful businesses, DL Elk continued to grow in itself over the years.  In 1995 DL Elk, a Montana Elk Outfitting Business, purchased Pelly Lake Wilderness Outfitters in northern British Columbia, Canada.  Pelly Lake added many species to our hunting list including Stone Sheep, Canadian Moose, Mountain Goat, Caribou and Black Bear.  At this time, my son, Denny, joined me as a full time partner to run the two operations.  All our camps are very hunter friendly with cabins, cooks and a pleasant staff to give you a very enjoyable experience for whatever species is on your list.  We are proud or our very high return rate of our clientele demonstrating client approval rating for our services.

Dennis LeVeque